
[2016-04-04] 북한이탈민들을 위한 생활법률교육

DREAM 3878

2016 4 4

경북이주민센터에서 북한 이탈민을 위해 법률교육을 했습니다. 
민사법, 형사법, 가족관계, 사기죄 주제를 다뤄었습니다. 
원요셉 전연구원님이 봉사해주심을 감사합니다!

On April 4th, 2016 DREAM visited Gyeongbuk Hana Foundation. It is a center where North Koreans can receive help in adjusting to South Korean social life. DREAM has presented a one hour seminar. Subjects related to criminal law, civil law, family law, problem of fraud were discussed during this educational session.

We are grateful to Joseph Won who volunteered in presenting about Korean criminal law.